Thursday, February 07, 2008

Has Homoeopathy Worked For You? / हस होमोएओपथ्य् वोर्केद फॉर यू ?

Has homoeopathy worked for you?

Maybe you're familiar with the controversial research article in Lancet that found homoeopathy to have no effect in clinical trials. Whether the article was biased or not, there's enough people (and animals) in the world who have benefitted from homoeopathic treatment. If you are one of them you can add your voice to a campaign which promotes homoeopathy at the H:MC21 website.

Please note that H:MC21 is a non-profit-making organisation in the process of applying for charity status.

H:MC21 – Homeopathy: Medicine of the 21st Century
For details see

With as little as £5 you can help us make the
‘Homeopathy worked for me’ campaign successful

Dear Colleagues and Friends

Thank you for signing our declaration, and for your interest in our work. At the time of writing this message – and after five weeks of mainly word-of-mouth campaigning - we have already collected over 3,500 signatures.

But we need over 1,000 a day in order achieve our target of 250,000. We have some exciting projects planned to do this, but at the moment we have no money to fund them.

So, we are now turning to you all to donate whatever you can afford. This is our all chance to make history and put homeopathy back on the medical map where it truly belongs.

Please donate whatever you can: £5, £10, £100 or even more.

We do not yet have an online donation facility, but are working on it. In the meantime, please send cheques, made payable to H:MC21, to

The Treasurer
The Old Farmhouse
37 Filgrave, Bucks MK16 9ET

Or make a bank transfer to

at Abbey, Account No. 43159698, Sort Code 09-06-66

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